As we know~ Ah Beng's are stereotype Malaysian/Singaporean that usually usually speak local slangs like Hokkien or Cantonese mixed with English and Malay. Most of these Ah Beng's love being notice by wearing trendy (read ugly) fashion items, tight outfits with luminous colour (Prominent brands like Versace, Moschino etc), coloured/dyed/bleached (Known as Golden Monkey hair) hair and accessories such as necklaces and all of which that are conspicuously displayed. Shirts with dragon patterns on are their thing, so does tattoos~lots and lots of tattoos~usually dragon tattoos, they love it because it makes them look like a gangster for eg. the Yakuza.
Most of the Ah Bengs usually drives a Wira 1.3 with a full Evo III bodykit, carbon spoiler, racing rims, a 10'' barbeque set exhaust and playing super loud techno playing on their 100" stereo speakers with flashing lights. Not to forget the Fast & Furious style Neon lights under their car. They love listening to Techno music (known as feng tau, literally translated means 'shake head') and dance badly.
There's also a Hong Kong variation commonly known as 'Gu Wak Chai'~like those guys from the movie~Young & Dangerous. Most Ah Bengs are emulating these guys~Edison Chen, Jordan Chan, Ekin Cheng, etc. Many are real gangsters, or wanna-be's mostly involved in some part with some kind of Triad gang like their Gu Wak Chai idols.
The Ah Lian would be the female version, something like the Asian version of a Bimbo(an attractive but stupid young woman). Wearing Pink Baby G watch and wearing lots and lots of branded stuffs like their counterpart the Ah Bengs. Mostly fake but the label must still be prominently displayed along with the latest handphone with pink cover. Huge platform shoes are a requirement and blonde/red/blue streaks on their hair, the aim is to look like one of the gorgeous Hong Kong pop chicks~but it rarely works. HAHA
The Bengs and Lians love swearing up and down such as 'Diu lei lou mou chao hai!' 'Ni na ma' 'Diu nia seng' and 'Ka ni na!' the favourite of them all is 'Chao cibai' shouted/screamed like CHOOOOOOOOWWWWW CHEEEEEEEE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIII~
If you enter any cybercafe you will see some Bengs playing counterstrike, howling like wild monkeys with the speakers on full blast while the Lians will be sitting around playing 02Jam, Ragnarok, Maple Story and giggle.
Okay~what brought this on?? this is some classic stuff that I found on the community site
Check this out:
I LIke TO WatcH The AcTioN MOvIe Such As 2fUsT2fURiOS...HErM..C.S.I iS AlSO tHE mOST i lIKe TO wATCH...gHOST bLOcKbUSTER..aLsOaLSo...hMM...aND AlL pROgRAM AT mtV,[V] AnD hITz.tV.
I mean wtf? Excuse me? This is like fulfilling all of the above stereotypes and this isn't a one off, if you browse through friendster you will find hundreds of profiles filled with crap like this.
She also said~
I lovE MusiX Very WeLL And No bOdy caN stop Me to Love It...eSpeciaLLy EngLish SOng...I AlSo Like tO BikE My SouLMate SkuTEr
Seriously~wtf?? What's with the whole alternate capitalisation thing? I really, really, REALLY can't stand that. So people please get your own identity. If you go to any of the clubs in KL, you will see plenty of Ahbengs and Ahlians, enjoy the experience. If I offended anyone I'm sorry, but you're an Ah Beng and you know it. AHAHAHAH
Typical Ah Beng Car

Typical Ah Beng Look

Typical Ah Lian Looks

Beng & Lian Sentral

Typical School Ah Beng acting cool~HAHAHA sorry guys =P